Support us

The Facultés Loyola Paris receive no public subsidy, and the tuition fees cover only 40% of the costs. It is the support of the Society of Jesus and private donors that allow to keep the fees within the reach of as many people as possible. You can help us to keep up with this choice by making a donation (via the Fondation de Montcheuil – more information below).

We also have three initiatives, which we invite you to support.

  • The Library’s projects: dizitisation, cataloguing, exhibitions … to make its unique and beautiful collection accessible to all. 

  • International bursaries: to sponsor Indian and African Jesuits studying in Paris

Example: 12 sponsors paying 25 euros monthly or 300 euros annually = tuition fees for a Jesuit for one year.

  • Solidarity fund: to help people with limited resources (young people, low-income pensioners, job seekers, religious from poor congregations …) benefit from the offerings of the Facultés Loyola Paris

Example: 200 euros = attendance at a four-day conference or training programme.


The Facultés Loyola Paris already have 1,700 donors. Thank you !

Logotype Fondation de MontcheuilDonations to the Facultés Loyola Paris, via the Fondation de Montcheuil, are tax-deductible for tax residents in various countries: Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, United Kingdom, United States… Founded by the Society of Jesus, the Fondation de Montcheuil has been recognized as a public utility since 1984. It is authorized under French law to receive donations and legacies. “Giving abroad” : download the information document
Contact: Marie-Pia Basse + 33 1 83 81 01 92 /